The most common question we get asked each week is will I lose any weight whilst juice cleansing? We believe in incorporating juice cleanses as a part of holistic wellness plan for best results.

The most common question we get asked each week is will I lose any weight whilst juice cleansing? And it is also the most searched on our website too!
The answer is yes, most people lose weight on a 2+ day juice cleanse, but the exact amount varies person to person. BUT if you go back to your old eating and drinking habits that weight will return quite quickly.
Juice cleansing puts your body into a calorie deficit for a short period of time, which enables weight loss. The best thing about juice cleansing, is unlike most, shake/powder/tea-tox diets is you also introduce nutrients, phytochemcials, phenols, antioxidants and enzymes in a quick to consume, nutritionally dense package! Our green juices, contain on average per jar a whopping 1kg of green produce, which you would be hard pressed to consume in one sitting.
On a juice cleanse we are adding easy to consume vitamins and minerals, whilst dropping calories for a short time span, to enable weight loss. We also allow our kidneys and liver a break from consistently processing heavy fats, toxins and alcohol and caffeine, which allows them to repair, allowing for better fat burning after a cleanse.
BUT the clients we see who lose the most weight and maintain a healthy weight are regular juice cleansers who:
- Commit to a cleanse 2-4 times year
- Eat a balanced and healthy diet most of the year
- Exercise
- Make time for relaxation, or yoga or meditation, this is great for dropping cortisol levels, which will aid in weight loss
They use juice cleanses as a part of there wellness plan, a holistic approach is the best way to incorporating effective cleanses into your diet for weight loss.