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5 tips for improving gut-health, naturally

Gut health is an important pillar of wellness as it impacts so much of our overall health. From our metabolic and immune function, to our skin health, brain function and mood. 
The gut contains a mini-ecosystem of bacteria (the microbiome), which helps to digest and absorb nutrients from the foods we eat. When our microbiome is in balance and our friendly gut bacteria is thriving, we experience good overall health and vitality. Gut health is linked to stronger immune response and resilience to disease, infection and allergies, radiant skin, and even better mental health. 


The great news is, our gut health can be improved naturally by nourishing our microbiome with positive dietary and lifestyle choices. 

Here are 5 ways you can improve your gut health:


  1. Eat (many, different) plants: Did you know that eating a wide variety of plant-based foods is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your gut health? Most health professionals (and findings from the world's largest microbiome study) agree that we should be eating as many as 30 different plants a week to boost the diversity and health of the gut microbiome. The Detox Meal Plan is an easy way to achieve the recommended nutritional diversity, with no planning, grocery shopping or cooking required.
  1. Hydrate: Water helps to hydrate the digestive tract, move nutrients around the body and flush out toxins and waste. Depending on your body weight, climate and level of physical activity, aim for 2-3 litres of filtered water per day. Fresh cold-press juices and herbal teas can also make up your total fluid intake and offer some extra nutritional and medicinal benefits. Limiting caffeine will boost hydration levels.
  1. Stress less: Frequent or chronic stress can be damaging for our gut health, and often shows up in skin conditions such as acne or eczema. Stress can increase the production of the hormone cortisol, which can interfere with the balance of gut bacteria and lead to poor digestion. Cortisol also breaks down collagen, the protein that keeps our skin, hair and nails strong and healthy. Finding ways to manage or reduce stress can have a big impact on improving your gut health. 
  1. Prebiotics + Probiotics: Prebiotics are plant fibres that feed and promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Probiotics are live bacteria that are consumed through food or supplements which encourage a healthy and diverse gut microbiome. Our Chocolates contain both organic prebiotics and probiotics, to both replenish and nourish your friendly gut bacteria. 
  1. Fermented foods: Fermentation has been used in many cultures for thousands of years and it's one of the simplest and most effective ways to support a healthy gut. Fermented foods, including miso, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir and tempeh are all excellent sources of probiotics and postbiotics (the compounds produced by probiotics, linked to regulating the immune system). You'll find fermented foods in many of our plant-based meals.

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5 tips for improving gut-health, naturally

Posted by Lynda Scantlebury on

Gut health is an important pillar of wellness as it impacts so much of our overall health. From our metabolic and immune function, to our skin health, brain function and mood. 
The gut contains a mini-ecosystem of bacteria (the microbiome), which helps to digest and absorb nutrients from the foods we eat. When our microbiome is in balance and our friendly gut bacteria is thriving, we experience good overall health and vitality. Gut health is linked to stronger immune response and resilience to disease, infection and allergies, radiant skin, and even better mental health. 


The great news is, our gut health can be improved naturally by nourishing our microbiome with positive dietary and lifestyle choices. 

Here are 5 ways you can improve your gut health:


  1. Eat (many, different) plants: Did you know that eating a wide variety of plant-based foods is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your gut health? Most health professionals (and findings from the world's largest microbiome study) agree that we should be eating as many as 30 different plants a week to boost the diversity and health of the gut microbiome. The Detox Meal Plan is an easy way to achieve the recommended nutritional diversity, with no planning, grocery shopping or cooking required.
  1. Hydrate: Water helps to hydrate the digestive tract, move nutrients around the body and flush out toxins and waste. Depending on your body weight, climate and level of physical activity, aim for 2-3 litres of filtered water per day. Fresh cold-press juices and herbal teas can also make up your total fluid intake and offer some extra nutritional and medicinal benefits. Limiting caffeine will boost hydration levels.
  1. Stress less: Frequent or chronic stress can be damaging for our gut health, and often shows up in skin conditions such as acne or eczema. Stress can increase the production of the hormone cortisol, which can interfere with the balance of gut bacteria and lead to poor digestion. Cortisol also breaks down collagen, the protein that keeps our skin, hair and nails strong and healthy. Finding ways to manage or reduce stress can have a big impact on improving your gut health. 
  1. Prebiotics + Probiotics: Prebiotics are plant fibres that feed and promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Probiotics are live bacteria that are consumed through food or supplements which encourage a healthy and diverse gut microbiome. Our Chocolates contain both organic prebiotics and probiotics, to both replenish and nourish your friendly gut bacteria. 
  1. Fermented foods: Fermentation has been used in many cultures for thousands of years and it's one of the simplest and most effective ways to support a healthy gut. Fermented foods, including miso, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir and tempeh are all excellent sources of probiotics and postbiotics (the compounds produced by probiotics, linked to regulating the immune system). You'll find fermented foods in many of our plant-based meals.